Travel information

These are the current Corona rules for Baden Württemberg. We kindly ask you to read them.

Further information under:

The classic city tour

Date 25.11.2021
Our hygiene concept

Hospitality also works without a handshake:
Our reception, service and floor staff work with mouth-nose protection. We keep the prescribed safety distance of 1.5 metres and adapt to the current hygiene guidelines and specifications.

Mouth/nose protection must be worn at the breakfast buffet. At the table, this may of course be removed.

The distance rule of 1.5 metres applies throughout the entire hotel. You can obtain a mouth-nose protection on request at the reception. Disinfectant dispensers are available at several locations in the hotel, entrance, buffet area and all floors.

- 1.5 m distance in the breakfast room
- Please also maintain the 1.5 m distance in the staircase
- Mouth and nose mask for the team and our guests
- Plexiglas at the reception
- Signs "Keep your distance" and "Disinfect your hands"
- Breakfast to go possible
- Breakfast at the table
- Breakfast buffet only to be used with mouth-nose-protection
- Mobile room air filter in the breakfast room Kampmann KA520
- Disinfectant dispenser at the entrance
- Disinfectant dispenser on each floor
- Disinfectant dispenser at the breakfast room
- Disinfectant cleaning products from Dr. Schnell. Handrails are disinfected every hour
- Surfaces at the breakfast buffet are continuously disinfected such as tables, chairs are disinfected
- Door handles in the entire building are continuously disinfected buffet cutlery is exchanged and disinfected
- Digital guest folder with QR code
- Digital daily newspapers with QR code